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Showing posts with the label Home Garden

7 Expert Tips to Protect Your Plants

Do Deer Eat Hydrangeas? Although some types of hydrangeas have certain characteristics that attract deer, these shrubs are not considered deer-resistant plants. "Deer, like all hydrangeas, just because your hydrangeas haven't been mowed down yet, doesn't mean it won't," says Lorraine Ballado, author of Success with Hydrangeas: A Gardener's Guide. "The extent of deer damage can vary from season to season and depends on deer herd size, available forage, competition for food and changes in deer habitat," says Ballado. Tips for Protecting Hydrangeas from Deer If you find yourself constantly trying to keep deer away from your hydrangeas, you're not alone. Implement some of the following strategies to reduce deer damage. 1. Use deer repellent plants as a barrier. No plant completely kills deer. However, some plants are low on the deer menu, including prickly spines, leathery leaves or milkweed. Garden designer and author Ryan McEnaney reco

Long-blooming perennials to fill your garden with color

 Long-blooming perennials  👉 Pinterest 👉  Facebook Perennials come back on their own every year, unlike annuals that need to be replaced after winter. Disadvantage of perennials: shorter flowering time than annuals. However, you can achieve nearly continuous color with these long-blooming perennials that bloom all summer (and some produce flowers from spring to fall). 1. Black-Eyed Susan These popular, long-blooming perennials should be at the top of your list. Black-eyed Susan daisies bloom for weeks and weeks in summer, lighting up gardens with their bright yellow petals. Additionally, deer tend to avoid this drought-tolerant plant. Get extra blooms, prevent unwanted self-seeding, and prevent spent blooms. 2. Blanket flower If you are planting a cut garden, add blanket flowers. This hardy but beautiful native perennial has red and yellow flowers from early summer through fall. It doesn't mind heat, drought, or poor soil, and pollinators like bumblebees love it. 3.

5 Must-Know Tips for Designing a Landscaped Garden

Designing a Landscaped Garden 👉   Pinterest 👉   Facebook You may be thinking about replacing your lawn with something more sustainable. You may have a shady spot where nothing grows. Or you might hope to create more habitat for wildlife like birds and butterflies. A natural garden or landscape is an increasingly popular solution to all these situations, but you may worry that it will be too weedy or messy. Here are five design tips to help you create a space that appeals to both humans and wildlife. 1. Choose compatible native plants. You've probably heard the saying "right plant, right place," and never has this been truer than in landscape garden design. What this saying means is that if a plant grows in dry clay in full sun in the wild, you should put it in your landscape. Sometimes we force plants into conditions they don't like because the plant is beautiful, but it goes against nature's design. With a little research, you can find all kinds of

6 Drought Tolerant Flowers

Grow a water-wise garden with drought-tolerant flowers 👉   Pinterest 👉  Facebook If you've found yourself watering more than you expected over the past several years, you're not alone. Plants (and gardeners!) suffer because many parts of the country have long periods between rainfalls. But with irrigation restrictions in many communities, grabbing a hose isn't always the answer. Who really wants to do that anyway? Applying mulch to retain moisture and watering deeply to encourage roots to stretch into the soil are two things that help plants survive drought conditions. But ultimately, incorporating plants that can handle less water is a better long-term strategy for combating drought. We've picked 6 of our favorites for you to try here, so keep reading to find out more! 1. Bearded iris (iris hybrids) Bearded irises, once established, are incredibly drought tolerant, thanks to their large rhizomes that allow these plants to store water and nutrients for fu

13 container plants to make attractive and aesthetic

 13 container plants to make your space  👉  Pinterest 👉  Facebook If you're faced with limited space, poor soil quality, or a desire to add beauty to your front porch, container gardens offer a great solution. They allow you to elevate your landscape and work around common gardening difficulties. Although many plants can be grown in containers, some species are better suited to this particular growing environment. Below, we'll highlight the best plants that not only thrive in containers, but also contribute to the aesthetics of your outdoor landscape. 1. Coleus Coleus plants are known for their vibrant foliage in a variety of colors and patterns. They thrive in partial shade and are relatively low maintenance. Coleus is perfect for containers because of its compact size and colorful foliage, which is why it's a great choice for adding visual interest to patios and balconies. 2. Succulent Succulents have thick, fleshy leaves that store water, are drought tolerant and easy